Monday, March 13, 2006


Overall, a pretty decent day of my new coworkers is a drag queen. That's pretty cool.

Not so cool: we're pretty sure somebody is stealing, but we haven't been able to catch them. It's getting really annoying.

Also, we were ridiculously busy this past weekend. Seriously. It was in the 80's all weekend. 80's! In March! Something is wrong with that.

Anyway, sales for last week were up 55% from last year. Wheee. Which means we've been running around like crazy people. Not that I'm saying we're NOT crazy. Cause, well, I'd be lying. But the pace at which we ambulate like the crazy people we are is usually slower. Or whatever. You get what I'm trying to say, right? Even if I am offering further (unnecessary) proof of my craziness with that weird little explanation.

OKAY. Moving on...I have another interview with Wendy's on Friday. And I will NOT cancel this one. I can't. I will have to either get my suit dry-cleaned or buy a blazer to go with my black pants. I haven't had many job interviews, and I'm a bit nervous. Any advice for me? So far, I have: be five-ten minutes early, dress & act professionally, don't babble, ask intelligent questions, demonstrate knowledge of the company, don't confess to any shortcomings except perhaps a slight tendency to workaholism, make eye contact, sit forward in your chair, don't cross your arms, don't badmouth your current job, make the most of your responsibilities.

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