Sunday, September 03, 2006


The first post in an embarrassingly long time

It seems like work is sapping all my energy these days, creative or otherwise...sorry guys.

BUT...I did get two weekend (!) days off in a row (!!), and I went to a wedding yesterday. It was a straight wedding attended almost exclusively by conservative Christians, and therefore not as fun as it could have been, what with me being on the lookout for condemnation and all, but it was good to see Jessica so happy with somebody...they're pretty adorable together, and I'm very happy for her, even if it does mean that she's moving to CA.

And why is it that the woman is the one who has to transplant to fit around her husband's job? And no one even questions that? In this case it makes sense, because she doesn't really work much, and he's in the Navy...but still. Even in cases much less clearly defined, the wife is expected to just do whatever she can, and the husband's job is way more important. I resent that. Maybe I shouldn't, because I really can't see myself ever being in such a situation, so it's not any of my business, but still...the feminist in me doesn't like it.

Also, something possessed me to buy some riduculously goth-y black pants with straps and buckles and stuff at Hot Topic today (they were like 60% off). And they were pretty long on me, so then I dragged TC and Alex to the Army/Navy Surplus with me and got the combat boots that I've wanted for years. I love them. I also bought a shoe-polishing kit with which I shined them up...and then proceeded to wear them to Farm Fresh, along with my new pants and a shirt that says "You have beautiful eyes. Can I touch them?" The looks I got...

Anyway. I'm bored with my hair. I was thinking about cutting it really short and bleaching it, but Sarah says I shouldn't, by which I think she means I will look desperate and ridiculous, so maybe I will go with something a bit more subtle, color-wise. I'm just tired of looking young and innocent. And exactly the same as I've always looked. Grr.

Unfortunately, while I was polishing my shoes I got some polish on my jeans. Any suggestions for removing it safely? Cause those are my favorite jeans. (Stupid of me to wear them, I know. I thought a plastic bag and some newspaper would be sufficient protection, but apparently not.)

Also, my parents have arrived safely back in Uganda, but I've only received one status report since their arrival, and I was not able to give a satisfactory accounting of their movements to the twenty-odd people who asked after them at the wedding. I will have to write and demand more information. that I don't work at DQ anymore, I've finally had a burger from one...because Alex randomly decided to get gas in Newport News...which is right down the street from Norfolk...down the street, and, you know, across the bridge-tunnel and down fifteen miles or so of interstate. To buy $10 worth of gas at $.15 less per gallon. A real bargain, that. Very cost effective. But I digress (don't I always?)...It was pretty decent, as burgers go, but not all that. And not terribly moist or fresh. And it took way too long to get our food...especially considering that there were ridiculous numbers of employees milling around behind the counter and bumping into each other repeatedly. Also, the soda was over-carbonated (or under-syruped. whatever). And the bathrooms were rather oddly labeled (in a hasty scrawl on liberally taped notebook paper) "Men" and "LADY." I'm not sure which lady they were referring to (perhaps a particularly loyal customer, or an arrogant GM?), but I hope she doesn't mind that I washed my hands in her bathroom...

Apologies, again, for the lack of posts. This one was absurdly selective and not at all representative of my activities and frame of mind over the past few months, but I feel like I talk about my job way too much as it is, and I didn't feel like boring you with it, so this is what you get.

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