Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Guess what? I AM NOT DEAD!

Yes! It's true. Contrary to popular rumor, I am not, in fact, deceased, merely busy, tired, and/or lazy. Not necessarily in that order. Some restrictions may apply, please see store for details.

Er, as I was saying...I humbly apologize for not posting in the past two weeks (!), but I have had a lot going on. Here is some of it:

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated

No, I'm not dead. Just busy and tired and sick of Dairy Queen and itchy and distracted and broke. That's all.

Sorry for the lack of posts. In my defense, I would like to point out that I have rated many, many songs, albums, and artists on Launchcast this week and devoted hours and hours to creating Sarah's Valentine's presents, which I mailed off today.

I also took my grandfather his toilet paper and tissues and Tums yesterday and worked several hours of overtime (this week and last week) and got (wrongfully) accused of favoritism at work. I'm still pretty pissed about that one.

I am so, so tired. My back is killing me. My feet hurt, and my eyes ache. I got called in two hours early today, and I was already supposed to work a seven-hour shift. So I worked about nine instead, and I didn't get a chance to do my laundry, because I was going to do it before I went to work, so now I have to do it tomorrow. And I barely ate anything all day so now I'm starving and I think I might go to Wendy's (way to stick to my diet, right?).

Sarah was very sweet and bought me some books from Amazon.com for Valentine's Day, but I already had two of the three (because apparently we're cursed like that), so I'm going to return them and get a used copy of the second season of The L Word instead, because I really, really want to see it and I'm sick of getting tantalizing little hints at what's going on. I want to KNOW. Grr.

Also, I have a fair amount of tidying and cleaning to do this weekend, because (as far as I know) Shannon is moving in on Monday or Tuesday.

I can't tell you what it is until she gets it, but I can tell you guys that Sarah's Valentine's Day present is pretty awesome. I put a LOT of work into it, and I really, really hope she likes it, because otherwise I will be totally crushed. I don't know how much I would like it if she gave it to me, but it's not really her style, so I guess that's kind of immaterial...it is, at least, very DIY, which is something she's into. And I should probably stop second-guessing myself, since I have, after all, already mailed it. Right? Right.

Okay, time for Wendy's. Goodnight, all.

Sunday, February 05, 2006



So...work was crazy busy tonight. I'm pretty exhausted, now that the adrenaline has worn off.

Also, I wrote quite a bit on our novel yesterday, and I thought I saved it as a draft, but apparently I only saved about a third of it. SO, I will have to re-write the other two-thirds from memory as best I can and then finish it, and I'm just not feeling up to it right now.

Also, LL (the lesbian at work) is coming to my church tomorrow, so I'm going to have to come up with a way not to sit next to her. I'll either have to be really early and sit with people I know or really late and sit in the back row. Or something. And then I'm going to talk to Sarah while she's on her lunch break and then I'm going to have lunch with Shannon, and then I'm going to take my grandfather the stuff I got for him at the store, and then maybe I'll have a chance to breathe for what feels like the first time this week.

PS Did I mention that I have my period right now and it sucks? And I itch, and that sucks too? Grr.

Friday, February 03, 2006


Randomness, in bullet-points because I'm tired

Things that suck:

Things that don't suck:

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