Wednesday, November 30, 2005


New manager, old music, black pants

I realize that these three things are not really related. To you, anyway. Actually, now that I think about it, the music has nothing to do with either one of those other things. But we're switching from khaki pants to black ones, which kind of peeves me, because that means I have to buy new pants. Grr.

Also, I've embarked on an ambitious music copying/burning project. My old manager *sniffle* made me a CD, and Sarah made me heaps of them, and I've bought quite a few recently, and I hardly copied any of it onto my computer, so now I'm trying to update all my tags and copy the songs I want so I can make a bunch of killer new mix CDs that I will listen to non-stop for a couple months and then never touch again, in all likelihood, but they'll be fun while they last, right?

I actually have way more music than I realized. Even some cool stuff I didn't really know I had. Sarah burned a bunch of stuff for me, but she didn't tell me what half the stuff was, so I did a massive and rather laborious search by lyric and located pretty much everything, although there were a couple without words that I've had to label "Random Electronica" and "Unidentified Dance Object."

I'm also trying to come up with clever titles for the various mix albums I'm making. I'll let you know what I come up with (because I'm egotistical that way, and I don't feel as clever if other people can't bask admiringly in the reflected glow of my wit *smirk*).

Also, everybody should go congratulate Molly (link at left) because she finished her Nanowrimo Novel, despite being way, way short on words like two days ago, and I am so impressed that she got it done. Yay Molly!

And I think I have a pretty good candidate for best friend. I won't know for sure about the "best" part for a while, but the friend thing is totally working out.

Can any of you smart people out there explain to me why I was inspired (although that hardly seems like the right word) to buy Korn's greatest hits album? There are maybe four songs on it that I actually like, and I already had one of them on my computer. What the hell was I thinking? At least I bought it used...

I have this big knot in my shoulder. It's driving me crazy. Not that, even at the best of times, I am a paragon of sanity, but when I'm short on sleep and stressed AND knotted up, it really makes me go a little Nicholson.

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