Tuesday, November 22, 2005


And another one down...

So...my short list of friends is now one person shorter. And my list of hated people officially grows to, let's see, I think I'm at four now...two people who fucked with me in high school, although I really don't care much about that anymore, really, and my two ex-roommates.

Well, given the volatile nature of our relationship, I guess it was bound to happen, but I'm still royally pissed about it. I wrote a really livid, somewhat hateful entry on Myspace...friends only, because it was really not suitable for public consumption. And now I'm writing a slightly more balanced one here. Because I really couldn't NOT blog about this. It's been a long time since I've been simultaneously so angry and so hurt. And I am so strongly tempted to write a really, really scathing and hurtful e-mail. But I won't, because if I do that, we will never be friends again, whereas now there is a very, very slight possibility that if I live to be 5,000 I might not hate her quite as much by the time I die. Might even fail to snarl when I hear her name. You never know...miracles happen, right?

Big giant hugs. I read what you wrote on MySpace... I'm so sorry you feel so awful right now. I'll be thinking about you, and if you need to vent just shoot me an email. Hang in there, sweetheart. Everything happens for a reason.
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