Saturday, October 29, 2005


Do I have a "Stalk me!" sign on my back?

So maybe I exaggerated a little. But, you know, what's up with the weird straight guys hitting on me? Not cool. This is the second one in the past month who has called Dairy Queen and asked for me by name. The first one was a total creep, and I blew him off. The second one (tonight) was not so bad. He drives a wrecker and his name is Teddy. I took a break and we talked, but I don't really trust him. I certainly wouldn't be comfortable getting in a car alone with him. I promised to call him sometime this week, but I think I'll try to avoid getting together. And I didn't give him my phone number. Too bad everybody has caller ID these days. I wish I had a cell phone. Maybe I can call him from work...yeah, that's a good idea.

Apparently he goes to the local lesbian bar to look at all the women and try to pick them up. I found that really, really creepy and somewhat offensive, although I didn't tell him that. He also admitted to having gone into lesbian chatrooms and pretended to be a woman. His girlfriend (!) apparently has a haircut just like mine (mine is about 1 3/4 inches long on top and shorter on the sides right now). Maybe he likes to pretend that he has converted lesbians to straightness? It seemed like he wanted to go girl-watching with me. Maybe he thinks that I would have a threesome with him. I don't know. Anyway, I didn't get the feeling that his intentions were terribly pure, and the more I think about it, the less I like him. I'll feel really awkward, though, if I don't call and he comes to DQ to see me. That would suck. Maybe I can just call him at a strange time, like 3 am, and leave him a message saying that I never want to see him again *smirk*. I wouldn't actually do that. He didn't seem like a bad guy, exactly, just not interesting enough for me to overlook his desire to sleep with me. Oh well.

PS Before you ask, I did tell him that I was gay before I agreed to any conversation at all. He said that it "wasn't a problem," whatever that means. I hope he's not counting on his good looks (well, he may like them) to convert me, because, well, not gonna happen. Nope. Totally not. He can wait till the sky falls and the seas turn black and the Republicans find their sense of rhythm, but it's NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Grr.

it must be hard being so irrisistable. Rawr.
Better a "Stalk Me" sign than a "Kick Me" sign, right? And I mean... um... it's flattering?
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