Friday, September 23, 2005


Is that you down there? know how I was not feeling good yesterday? Well...not good doesn't even begin to cover how I feel right now. I actually didn't work tonight. I went in, and felt like total crap, and T said I should just go home, and I did. I went right to bed.

It doesn't help that I only got three hours of sleep last night. I got up at 7:50 and showered and dressed and drove downtown and had horrendous parking nightmares, and then I finally got to the circuit court building (five minutes late, and boy was I sweating it), and they didn't need me. SO, I went back home, and called Mrs. W., and I played some computer games, and took Granddad his tissues, and met Mrs. W. for coffee and lampshade-buying (for Granddad). And I went to the thrift store (finally) and bought some work pants and three nice long-sleeve shirts. Right. Cause I don't already have about fifteen.

And I went home, and I was going to wash my clothes, and maybe take a shower before work, but that didn't happen. Why not? WELL...I, uh, managed to get the toilet so thoroughly clogged that after a good fifteen or twenty minutes of plunging (and now eight hours later) it still has only gone down about an inch. I think I will have to call the handyman in the morning, as embarrassing as I'm sure that will be, because I refuse to have the toilet overflow again. I am NOT going through that.

I just hauled my sick ass out of bed, put on some clothes, drove to work, unlocked the door, turned off the alarm, used the bathroom, turned the alarm back on, locked the door, and drove home. How sad is that?

I don't know if this happens to other people, too, but when I get a fever, I have this out-of-body feeling. Like my body and my mind are only vaguely connected, and it takes a conscious effort on my part to remain present. I've been alternately hot and cold all night (no chills, though, thank goodness), and my head feels abnormally heavy and full.

Right now I'm waiting for the Sudafed nighttime stuff to kick in, so hopefully I can sleep through the night and my body can kick this stupid thing, so I can work tomorrow.

Also, Mrs. W. and I saw this woman wearing quite possibly the ugliest thing I have ever seen. And it might have been attractive (though still completely inappropriate) on someone else, but she did NOT have the figure for it. Actually, if you want to be precise, she had about 2 1/2 times the figure for it. Yuck!

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