Thursday, September 15, 2005


In the bathroom of life, I am the unpopped popcorn kernel under the bathmat

So...I got home from work, and I was just sitting, thinking my usual bathroom thoughts ("Boy, this is taking a long time. I wonder If I have any e-mail. I really need to clean the tub. I'm getting hungry. What would be a good blog title for my post today?" etc.). And then I saw it underneath the corner of the bathmat, where I have to flip it up so I don't put my shoes on it while I'm using the toilet (I have a very small bathroom), there was: (dun dun dunnnnn) unpopped kernel of popcorn. I can only imagine how it got there.

ANYWAY. That really had nothing to do with anything, but I felt that some sort of explanation for the blog title was required.

That game I downloaded...with the stick soldiers? Awesome. There is nothing like mowing down a bunch of stick figures with an uzi for relieving stress.

I have way too much Mountain Dew-induced energy, so I am going to go shoot some stick soldiers.

Good night, people.

*pow pow pow pow pow* *aaaah* *grin*

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