Saturday, September 03, 2005


Calling all comments...

Where are the comments, people? Where? I see no comments. Still! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?!

Sorry. Got carried away there for a minute...

Anyway. Went to see The Constant Gardener after work tonight. It was good--sad, but good. And now I think even less of the pharmaceutical companies (which I didn't even think was possible). Can I just say that Bill Nighy is a great, albeit weird, actor? Definitely.

Also: I finished the Earthsea Trilogy yesterday. I started it yesterday, too *grin* I think that I started reading The Tombs of Atuan when I was younger...too young to deal with it. I think I got maybe about halfway through. No idea why I started with the second book...perhaps the first one was already checked out of the library. At any rate, I enjoyed the trilogy very much, and I'm looking forward to reading the three Ursula K. LeGuin books that are left. Also looking forward to reading the four Star Trek: Voyager books I have left (from the total of sixteen books I got off of which I had already read). Since they arrived on Tuesday, that means I have averaged two books per day. Not bad, considering that I also went to Barnes & Noble once and did some reading online...

God, I'm such a nerd.

On an entirely different topic: I went to visit my grandfather today. He gave me five dollars to buy him some big boxes of Kleenex with (has to be Kleenex, too, no Puffs or anything). I'm not sure how many he thinks I can get with five bucks, but I'll do what I can...

He was so sad and lonely and pathetic, people. I feel like a complete jerk for not going to see him sooner. And yet...every minute that passed felt like an hour. I stayed for about thirty-five minutes, because I didn't want to be rude, and every time I said something, I would look at him to see if he could hear me, and I guess he's used to trying to fool people, because I usually couldn't tell, except that then he usually said something about something completely unrelated to what I was talking about. I had to say things three or four times to make sure he actually heard and understood. Have you ever tried to wade through half-frozen cherry-flavored Jello? That's what it felt like. I hate cherry Jello, by the way. Artificially cherry-flavored things always remind me of Robitussin.

I saw a preview for a movie I really want to's called Brokeback Mountain (check it out at Gay cowboys. Who would have guessed? Some people in the theater started snickering when the preview came on. I was torn between being excited and being pissed as hell. Someone at work who I really like said something pretty homophobic the other day...I was offended, and I said something, and she didn't see why I was offended, since she didn't say anything "derogatory" about me personally. You remember that guy we fired for making an obscene gesture as a mode of insubordination in front of a lobby full of people (including children)? The one who was always trying to be tough and shadow-boxing, and trying to start fights with people? Yeah...she said he was "so gay." He may very well be gay, although it would definitely surprise me. But she didn't understand why I would be offended by that. *sigh* I thought about trying to explain my reasoning to her, but I didn't want to cause a big fuss.

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