Friday, April 28, 2006


My brand new kinda butch haircut. Please tell me it's cute, cause it cost more than I really should have spent :-)


Lots of stuff

So, I know I haven't posted in, like, 15 million gajillion years. But there have been reasons. Let me tell you about some of the stuff going on in my life right now:

1. My grandfather is in the hospital w/ pneumonia and broken ribs and assorted other problems associated w/ old age. I've been trying to see him pretty much every day since he was admitted (Saturday).

2. I'm starting at Wendy's on Monday morning--at 9 am, and of course I got scheduled to close at DQ the night before, so my ass will be DRAGGING, but I'll be there. *sigh*

3. My parents are supposed to be coming home in June, but they might have to come home early if something happens to Granddad. Cross your fingers for us, okay?

4. I've been reading this book: Who Wrote the New Testament?. Fascinating stuff. Apparently Pual's epistles (not all of which were written by Paul) were the first parts of the new testament to be written....not that you care, but, well, I found it interesting.

Also, I got a lovely package from my girlfriend today. And I have cramps. And I had dinner with a family friend who used to be a neighbor--that was pretty cool.

And you remember that girl who was gonna move in with me, only she didn't, and I hadn't heard from her in, like, two months? Yeah, she called me, drunk as hell, all "let's be friends again, now that me and my (asshole) husband aren't getting along so well." Bitch. I think I might let her be my friend again, but she's gonna have to get me some chocolate, and buy me at least one nice dinner. And maybe a movie or something. I mean, seriously. That's just a shitty thing to do to somebody. Oh well...

Okay, now for some ice cream sandwiches (the best known cure for period-related crankiness :-D).

Friday, April 07, 2006



Yes, I know that I am an evil, bad, no-good Hannah for not blogging sooner.

HOWEVER: I don't care.

BECAUSE: I almost definitely have a job at Wendy's (just waiting on the background check, and I can't imagine that it will cause any problems) paying about 40% more than what I make now. Pretty awesome, right? Yeah. I think so too. Let's look at the cost/benefit analysis, shall we?

Wendy's pluses:

and minuses:

I think we can safely say that the pluses have it.

Other things:

I decorated a bunch of cakes tonight. For some reason, everybody wanted to order cakes for Saturday. And a former coworker of mine, one of my favorites, is coming back to DQ. So, for the 3 1/2 weeks until the next Wendy's training class, I will get to work with her again. And after I leave I can be friends with the employees who I can't be friends with now (favoritism, etc. etc.).

In completely unrelated news: I bought D.E.B.S. on Ebay. It is cheesy and silly and fluffy and the most fun I have had in months. Seriously. The cutest movie I have seen in a really long time. And, while the plot was not really intended to be believable, the chemistry totally was. They were adorable together. Because I needed another reason to miss my (even more adorable) girlfriend. *sigh* Oh well.

More on Wendy's as soon as I have definite word from them.

*does happy nerd dance*

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